How to Host a

Hamilton Event


Hal truly appreciates the efforts that are put into hosting an event.  This set of instructions and guidelines is intended for events staged in theatrical venues and auditoriums. Should your organization be hosting in a smaller setting, these instructions can be greatly modified. These instructions are designed to serve as general guidance, not rigid, unbending demands.  Should a hosting organization find it impractical to provide a particular element, a readily acceptable and more practical alternative is often available. Hosting organizations are encouraged to communicate any questions or difficulties they are experiencing as far in advance of the event as possible.


General Performance Guidelines

The performance will take the form of an informal presentation and discussion with Mr. Bidlack in the role of Alexander Hamilton.

 The performance will consist of three distinct portions, each quite important to the process of historical recreation, and for the enjoyment of the audience. Following a brief introduction by the moderator (please see our sample introductions for acceptable models),  Mr. Hamilton will give opening remarks. He will generally speak for 15-20 minutes. Next, the audience questions of Mr. Hamilton via the format approved in advance for that event. Following the last question, Mr. Hamilton will offer final comments in character. Lastly, he will remove his wig, signifying the end of the “in character” portion of the evening, and will offer brief comments as a scholar on what has occurred. If time permits, a few brief questions are asked of Mr. Bidlack as himself.  Total event times vary by the desires of you the host. Generally, the performance runs between 1½ to 1¾ hours.


Audience questions are the core and the heart of the event.  All questions should be verbally asked directly to Mr. Hamilton, rather than via note cards if at all possible.


Stage Setting

Part of the enchantment of first person historical recreation is the magic of the audience mentally transporting themselves back in time.  In order to maintain this mindset, the stage should be set to enhance, rather than detract from this atmosphere.

o      This need not, indeed should not, be an actual antique. Rather, it should be of a style consistent with the 18th Century.  Simply put, the chair should not be of a style that seems out of place.


o      Similarly, the podium should not appear “modern” if possible.

o      The glass and pitcher should be either “crystal-like” or metallic (e.g., tin cups). Under no circumstances should Styrofoam or water bottles appear on stage.


 Audio Requirements



Lighting Requirements



Dressing Room

o      Mirrors (full length if possible)

o      Ready access to rest rooms

o      Water and glasses



Performance Notes


Customary Timeline


To Book a Hamilton Appearance,

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